I recently was reading my Bible and I came across a verse that was pretty thought provoking and convicting after I spent some time really thinking about it. Romans 12:18 says: If it is possible; as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Is it possible? Is that even possible? There are some people that are simply just impossible and peace is not something that you would associate with the person that you are thinking about right now. That person that you are thinking about right now is the one that I want you to keep in the forefront of your thoughts as you read on. Paul says: “…as far as it depends on you…”. When Paul says those seven words, the focus is shifted from the person that you are thinking about to you. If you were to break it down a little further it says: “…it depends on you…”. Two chapters later Paul says in Romans 14:19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. This sounds like it might be a little bit of work! Is it possible to live at peace with everyone? I don’t know; in fact, I don’t think so, but it does sound like the intention is for us to work to that end. Not just occasionally, but continuously. Make every effort.
With that particular person in mind and in full view, allow me to ask you something: Is it someone that you see just about every day? Is it someone you work with? Is it a family member? Is it your spouse? Is it someone who you go to church with? You come to church every Sunday and you intentionally look to see where they are sitting and you sit on the other side of the auditorium? Is your solution to Paul’s directive to making every effort to do what leads to peace by simply avoiding that person? That is an answer, but if it depends on you, is it the right answer? Is that what God is telling you to do? Why is the face of that person staring right at you in your mind right now? Who brought that person to mind? Who has ordered the steps of your life that requires you to cross paths with that person regularly? Who made that person your brother or sister? God. God did that! Notice that Paul says that we are to “…make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” It sounds like there is something in this not only for them, but for you too! In Hebrews 12:14 there is a very similar passage that says: Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the LORD. Living at peace with all men does not get you to heaven; it does not save you. It is, however, an indicator that you have been set apart by God and are one of His children. You bear the characteristics of a child of God in that you love as He loves.
When our kids were younger, like all siblings, there were differences. As parents we tried different things to try to get them to understand that their actions were wrong. They would have to sit on the couch facing one another and look each other in the face for long periods of time. On several occasions, I, being the “spiritual leader,” would use the Word of God, the Sword, to try to get my point across. I would inevitably go to 1John 4:20-21 and read this to my kids as they were seething with anger while sitting in front of each other: If anyone says, “I love God,” yet hates his brother (or sister), he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, (he or she is sitting right there in front of you), cannot love God, whom he has not seen. And He has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother (or sister). I used the paraphrased edition by Jerry to try to get my point across. My kids were ticked at each other and now I was using the Word of God to attack them and their actions. Impressive!! They did not always receive that too well, but if you were to ask them, they probably remember it. A better plan would have been to impress this upon each of them when they were not angry with each other. My point is that you need to prepare to make every effort to live at peace with that person that is staring at you in your mind. Why? For the good of you and the glory of God! Do you ever wonder why you are bitter and nasty and grumpy and unhappy all of the time? Day after day, God allows you to cross paths with that person. Why? Because He wants to make you more like Jesus. Consider this: Jesus died for those who hated Him. Think about that for a minute! He is not asking you to die for that person. He is asking you to make an effort.
Ephesians 4:32-5:2 Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children, and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
It might very well be that you need to forgive someone. They may have said something to you or about you that you just cannot or will not forgive. How bad is it? Does it even come close to how you have sinned against God? Make every effort. As far as it depends on you.
Is it possible? TBD. Time will tell!