Have You Had Enough?

That is a question that could encompass a lot of things. It is a question that is commonly heard at the dinner table when the host and hostess ask you if you would like any more to eat. If you are like most, you have had more than enough and if you take another bite you will “explode”.  Sometimes it might involve a coworker that just will not let it go. Day after day you hear them grumbling and complaining and you finally get to the point where you have had enough and you might find yourself reacting in a way that is not best. I remember as a child my mom and dad were raising seven of us kids and it was very common to hear my mom say that she had had enough through her gritting teeth. We always thought to ourselves, “but mom, we have so much more to give.” That would not have been a good idea.

Is it ever possible to have enough of a good thing? Is it possible to be blessed too much? Is it possible for God to give you so much that you might say to Him “I have had enough!” You wouldn’t think so, but that is exactly what happened to the Israelite people. God loved them and He blessed them over and over again. He delivered them from slavery in Egypt, defeated the Egyptians, and was bringing them to the land of promise that would be all their own. He was leading them in a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. The people could visibly see that God was before them in everything they did and everywhere they went. Can you imagine what that must have been like? He protected them and provided for their every need, every day and yet on many occasions they still complained. I was reading a passage in Numbers 11 and I tried to imagine what it must have been like for the people of Israel. God has just rained down fire from heaven around the outskirts of the camp and the people were terrified so they cried to Moses and Moses prayed. Two verses later the people are complaining again. They were tired of the food. They were sick of the food that God provided for them daily. They did not have to go shopping and they did not have to do anything other than pick it up off of the ground, but it was the same thing day after day. I have been known to kill a good restaurant as well as a good meal. It is usually something that I like so much that I return to that restaurant 2-3 times a week, and I kill it.

Numbers 11:6 says: “But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but this manna!”  They are talking about God’s daily provision. They have lost their appetite for God’s daily provision of food. Psalm 78 tells us that God “…opened the doors of the heavens” and that “He rained down manna for the people to eat.” It is called the “grain of Heaven” and “…the bread of angels” and they got sick of it. What happened? How did it get to this? Is it possible to get used to God’s daily provision and blessing? Let’s talk about that for a little bit.

How often do you take time to just thank God for His daily provision for you and your family?

How often do you find yourself overwhelmed with the goodness of God?

How often do you share with other people what God is doing in your life?

How often have you taken the time to simply thank God for His work of salvation in your life and the lives of your family?

Maybe, just maybe, you have gotten used to it. The joy of your salvation is long gone and something of the past. Maybe you expect it? God’s mercies are no longer new to you every morning, but rather, they are commonplace and somewhat expected. In John 6 Jesus is asked by the people about signs and they mention the manna that their forefathers ate in the desert. They even said that God gave them bread from heaven and they wanted to know what Jesus had for them. In vv.32-33 He says: “I tell you the truth, it is not Moses who has given you the bread of heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. For the bread of heaven is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” Have you lost your appetite for the true bread from heaven? Have you had enough of Jesus? Do you want to know more about Him? You do that by reading His Word. You do that by talking to Him in prayer. Do you have a hunger to digest as much as you can from the Word of God, or have you lost your appetite? Are you spending time under the teaching of the Word? As you eat, are you growing? I do not think that it is possible for a Christian to become overweight on the Word of God. If you are eating from the Word you will also discover that it is the fuel for exercising the gifts that God has given to you. Why not start this morning with a heart full and overflowing with gratitude for God’s work of salvation in your own life as well as the lives of your loved ones. Start giving thanks, and I can assure you that it will only be the beginning of blessing and an appetite for more.