Good morning everyone. How are you all doing? Are you tired of all of this social distancing yet? Do you actually miss being around each other? Would it be okay with you if the traffic in Peoria was what it was before the pandemic? Would you like to wait in line at the grocery store with a cart full of everything you want and without a mask on? Have you had enough? I think all of us can say that we have learned to appreciate what we had now that it is gone. There is a song that I have heard that says: “Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what ya got til it’s gone, they paved paradise to put up a parking lot.” (Yes, I actually like that song)
I was reading Psalm 13 this morning and the writer has obviously “had enough”. He is on the verge of despair. Four times he asks God “How long”. He obviously would like to know. When you read verse 3 it is thought that maybe David was very sick and not feeling well at all. While this verse could very well indicate that, it could also apply to a wider variety of circumstances. Circumstances similar to what you might be dealing with.
Verse 1 David asks God if He will forget him forever. For whatever reason David thinks that God has forgotten him. Why would that be? Perhaps he has been asking God to do something and God does not do it? Perhaps David has not been listening to God and has been treating Him like a bellhop? The only time that he talks to Him is when he needs something. David was not a whole lot different from you and me. Often times we only read the Bible when we are looking for a quick fix for something we need or an answer to our questions. Sort of like a medical journal or even Google. Sometimes we read the Word out of duty or obligation and do not spend time meditating and asking God to speak to me what He wants me to hear. Is it any wonder that David, or you, or me will at times feel disconnected from God?
Verse 2 David asks God how long He is going to hide His face from him. Have you ever been there? There are times when you cannot find God. Job was there. When Job lost everything his friends came to console him and then began to point out sin in his life. Job got to the point where he was asking God for the opportunity to present his case and argument. He wanted God to show Himself and that went on for almost 40 chapters and then God “showed up.” Why did God “hide His face” from Job? Why is it that God seemingly hides His face from you and me? God made Job wait. God makes us wait. Who do we think we are to demand an answer or audience from God when we want to meet with Him? He is God and we are not. Psalm 46:10 tells us to Be still and know that He is God. You cannot hear God? Perhaps He wants you to be still. Does it seem as though His face is hidden from you? Be still. Spend some time thinking about what it means that He is God. The psalmist goes on to say that He will be exalted. Why not start by exalting Him in the first place?
Verse 2 David goes on to ask how long must he wrestle with his own thoughts. My own immediate answer would be something like how long do you want to stay in this state of mind David? What is it that you are focusing on David? Who is it that is at the forefront of your thoughts? Stop thinking about yourself and your agenda. Stop thinking about what you want and when you want it. Start spending time thinking about God and His goodness, His faithfulness, His mercy, and His grace to you. Start spending time thinking about all that you are thankful for and start thanking Him. As I said earlier, He will be exalted so why not start doing that instead of complaining about you?
Verse 2 David now asks how long will my enemy triumph over me. Who is his enemy? Who is your enemy? The enemy here may very well be the one who gloats over the fact that David is struggling and discouraged. This is the person who likes it when a follower of Jesus struggles and then asks why God would let something like that happen to you. People who question the object of your faith and His faithfulness. “Is your God really good? Does He really care? Do you really believe that?” “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Been there?
In vv. 3-4 David is on the verge of giving up. He is past the “how long” stage is now down on the mat and awaiting “the standing eight count” to say that the match is over and the enemy is declared the winner. Are you discouraged? Are you down for the eight count? Are you about to give up? Check out the next word in verse 5.
“But…” My dad always told me that when you use the word “but” you are basically saying forget everything I just said and now this is what I really mean. This is a good “but”. David has just got done telling us how he really feels. He has told us about how discouraged he is. He has told us about his struggles. He has just told us that he is about to give up “But I trust Your unfailing love;…” What did David do there? Did he muster up some strength in his own being? He was about to die. He remembered a truth that He has known for so many years and that is the unfailing love of God. Think about that. It should not be difficult for you to do that, but if it is then finish that verse. There is no better evidence of God’s unfailing love than in His salvation. “…my heart rejoices in Your salvation.” God saved you! Did you hear that? God has saved you! Have you gotten over that? Have you forgotten? Do you fully understand what that means? That truth hits David like a ton of bricks and he responds with verse 6 and says “I will sing to the Lord, for He has been good to me.” David has taken his focus off of the questions that he has been mulling over in his head. David has allowed his circumstances to control his thinking. David has allowed his struggles to bring him to the point that he is mentally and physically sick. Our circumstances do not alter the character of God.
If you were to watch the news and allow your mind to wander, the first part of Psalm 13 could very well become your story. Maybe you are already there? Maybe you are already ill and sick and think that you are about to die. Start singing! Having a rough day? Start singing! Discouraged with all kinds of questions? Start singing! Some of you may be dealing with the loss of a job or a relationship, or even a loved one. Start singing! Just start singing and my prayer is that it will lead you to the point where you are singing your heart out at the top of your lungs because of God’s unfailing love; because of His work of salvation in your life; and because He has been good to you. Listen to the music and start singing!!!